Top Ten:
10. Strengthen gun regulations-- ban assault weapons, mandate more thorough background checks of gun purchasers, limit the number of guns an individual can purchase to thwart black market sales, and make carrying a concealed weapon illegal in all states. Guns should be for law enforcement, military and licensed hunters, only.
9. Heavily fund green energy technology research and development in the US. China and much of Europe is aggressively taking the lead, while the US is being left in the dust. We must be the leaders in this type of innovation and an example to the world of what it means to get serious about global warming.
8. Every person shall be granted equal marriage rights no matter their sexual orientation.
7. Enforce maximum jail sentences to "White Collar" criminals-- the CEO that defrauds his shareholders does severely more damage to society than the petty drug dealer, but will often do less time in prison. The Justice system must get its priorities straight.
6. In absolutely no circumstance should an elected official be allowed to evoke religion in speech or policy. Also, if a church or any other religious place of worship is used as a platform to discuss political philosophy or persuade members to vote for a particular party or candidate, it should then be subject to full taxation as a revenue generating entity.
5. The Bush tax cuts shall be repealed, and the richest 1 percent, whom represent 90 percent of the nation's wealth, should be taxed accordingly. Warren Buffet will no longer be subject to a lower tax rate than his secretary.
4. End the wars and withdrawal troops from both Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as every other country we unnecessarily have troops stationed, like Germany and Japan. When American imperialism ceases to exist it will open up the gates of diplomacy and reduce the animosity that much of the world feels toward the US.
3. Full legalization and taxation of marijuana. Legalizing marijuana will abolish the underground trade, remove drug dealers from the streets, enable people to possess small amounts without risking criminal charges that ultimately ruin lives, and bring in billions of tax dollars that can be used to pay down the deficit and provide real drug offenders with rehabilitation services. If marijuana was the casual, legal drug of choice over a century ago, alcohol may be the present day, hotly debated illegal substance; although, if the tables were in fact turned, I think the case to be made for alcohol would be a harder sell since it would be more difficult to justify the auto accidents and the alcohol poisonings that are undoubtedly overshadowing attributes. Marijuana is a safe and natural substance that is illegal only because it has always been that way.
2. Subsidize the cost of fruits and vegetables. There should be no way that Oreos and cupcakes can be purchased for a cheaper price than a bag of oranges or a bundle of asparagus. In order for health and wellness to improve in this country, the food industry must receive a full overhaul. Anyone living under the poverty line should be able to stock up on fruits and vegetables for a reasonable amount of money.
1. Full universal healthcare for all citizens. Economic income should not dictate medical care. Healthcare is an inalienable right that all should have access to. The commercialization of healthcare is a deplorable concept that should be morally reexamined by everyone. When healthcare is about profit, it's no longer actually about healthcare, is it?
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