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September 21, 2009

Enough Chest Thumping American Patriotism, It's Time to Be More Like the French

Thomas Friedman wrote an important article titled, "Real Men Tax Gas" that deserves serious consideration. This country is headed down a slippery slope and something has got to give. We need change. Let me rephrase that: we need real change, with real solutions and actions. We have too much debt, we are the only industrialized nation without some sort of nationalized healthcare plan, we are dangerously addicted to oil, and amidst all our own domestic problems we seemingly cannot steer clear of international conflict.

Friedman proposes a one dollar gas tax, which would allocate 45 cents to pay down the debt, 45 cents to fund healthcare, and 10 cents to cushion the burden on the poor and those who have to drive long distances by necessity. This measure would steer the nation toward cleaner sources of energy, reduce emissions, make healthcare a reality, and pay off this nation's extraordinary debt while strengthening the dollar. Our country must be revitalized and this could be something worth serious consideration; however, the discussion is virtually "off the table" in Washington.

It is amazing how the conservatives can support trillions of dollars in spending when it comes to war, but don't want to spare a dollar when it comes to legitimate social programs that benefit our country. No one on this side is advocating Communism; we would just like to get a few things in order so we can truly be fiscally efficient in the future. To obtain that status we need to end the wars, slash defense spending, fix healthcare, produce our own energy, repair and update our infrastructure, and TAX smartly in order to pay down the debt. Start with these measures and we might be a healthier, economically-smarter, self-sustainable country with admirable social programs. Ya know, kind of like France.

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