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September 22, 2009

Will Ferrell and others mocking Insurance Executives

A message from Van Jones. God I love this guy. How bad does that piss you off?

Dear Friends:

My family and I want to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support that we have received over the past week or so. I resigned from the White House on Sept. 6, and I have remained silent since then—in keeping with my promise not to be a distraction during a key moment in the Obama Presidency.

Over the past several days, however, many people have been asking how they can help and what they can do.

The main thing is this: please do everything you can to support both President Obama and the green jobs movement. Winning real change is ultimately the best response to these kinds of smear campaigns.

I ask everyone to:

1. Support President Obama’s efforts to fix our nation’s health care, energy and education systems. His victory last fall did not represent the “finish line” in the fight to renew America; his election was just the “starting line.” This autumn, it is time to make history again—with victories on health care and clean energy.

2. Sign up to support groups that are working for green jobs.

As others seek to vilify or marginalize the movement for a clean energy economy, the leading groups deserve increased support. This is the year to ensure that the clean energy transformation creates good job opportunities for everyone in America.

3. Spread the green jobs gospel. The ideas and ideals of the green jobs movement are grounded in fundamental American values—innovation, entrepreneurship, and equal opportunity. My true thoughts can be found in my book: The Green Collar Economy. Check it out from the library—or order a copy and share it with a friend. See for yourself why clean energy and green jobs are good for our country.

4. Stay connected and speak up for me via your favorite blogs (e.g., Huffington Post, Grist, Jack & Jill, etc.), on message boards and all of your favorite social networking platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Supporters have set up a couple of them, to help you stay engaged, including: I Stand With Van Jones and I Love Van Jones.

In due course, I will be offering my perspective on what has happened—including correcting the record about false charges. In the meantime, I must get my family affairs in order and sort through numerous offers and options.

I want to be clear that I have nothing but love and admiration for President Obama and the entire administration. White House staffers are there to serve and support the President, not the other way around. At this critical moment in history, I could not in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. The White House needs all its hands on deck, fighting for the future.

Of course, some supporters actually think I will be more effective on the “outside.” Maybe so. But those ideas always remind me of that old canard about Winston Churchill. After he lost a hard-fought election, a friend told him: “Winston, this really is just a blessing in disguise.” Churchill quipped: “Damned good disguise.” I can certainly relate to that sentiment right now. :)

Nonetheless, we must keep moving forward. Let’s continue our work to make an America as good as its promise. These are historic times. And we have a lot more history to make.


Van Jones

September 21, 2009

Enough Chest Thumping American Patriotism, It's Time to Be More Like the French

Thomas Friedman wrote an important article titled, "Real Men Tax Gas" that deserves serious consideration. This country is headed down a slippery slope and something has got to give. We need change. Let me rephrase that: we need real change, with real solutions and actions. We have too much debt, we are the only industrialized nation without some sort of nationalized healthcare plan, we are dangerously addicted to oil, and amidst all our own domestic problems we seemingly cannot steer clear of international conflict.

Friedman proposes a one dollar gas tax, which would allocate 45 cents to pay down the debt, 45 cents to fund healthcare, and 10 cents to cushion the burden on the poor and those who have to drive long distances by necessity. This measure would steer the nation toward cleaner sources of energy, reduce emissions, make healthcare a reality, and pay off this nation's extraordinary debt while strengthening the dollar. Our country must be revitalized and this could be something worth serious consideration; however, the discussion is virtually "off the table" in Washington.

It is amazing how the conservatives can support trillions of dollars in spending when it comes to war, but don't want to spare a dollar when it comes to legitimate social programs that benefit our country. No one on this side is advocating Communism; we would just like to get a few things in order so we can truly be fiscally efficient in the future. To obtain that status we need to end the wars, slash defense spending, fix healthcare, produce our own energy, repair and update our infrastructure, and TAX smartly in order to pay down the debt. Start with these measures and we might be a healthier, economically-smarter, self-sustainable country with admirable social programs. Ya know, kind of like France.

September 18, 2009

My Liberal Wishlist

Top Ten:

10. Strengthen gun regulations-- ban assault weapons, mandate more thorough background checks of gun purchasers, limit the number of guns an individual can purchase to thwart black market sales, and make carrying a concealed weapon illegal in all states. Guns should be for law enforcement, military and licensed hunters, only.

9. Heavily fund green energy technology research and development in the US. China and much of Europe is aggressively taking the lead, while the US is being left in the dust. We must be the leaders in this type of innovation and an example to the world of what it means to get serious about global warming.

8. Every person shall be granted equal marriage rights no matter their sexual orientation.

7. Enforce maximum jail sentences to "White Collar" criminals-- the CEO that defrauds his shareholders does severely more damage to society than the petty drug dealer, but will often do less time in prison. The Justice system must get its priorities straight.

6. In absolutely no circumstance should an elected official be allowed to evoke religion in speech or policy. Also, if a church or any other religious place of worship is used as a platform to discuss political philosophy or persuade members to vote for a particular party or candidate, it should then be subject to full taxation as a revenue generating entity.

5. The Bush tax cuts shall be repealed, and the richest 1 percent, whom represent 90 percent of the nation's wealth, should be taxed accordingly. Warren Buffet will no longer be subject to a lower tax rate than his secretary.

4. End the wars and withdrawal troops from both Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as every other country we unnecessarily have troops stationed, like Germany and Japan. When American imperialism ceases to exist it will open up the gates of diplomacy and reduce the animosity that much of the world feels toward the US.

3. Full legalization and taxation of marijuana. Legalizing marijuana will abolish the underground trade, remove drug dealers from the streets, enable people to possess small amounts without risking criminal charges that ultimately ruin lives, and bring in billions of tax dollars that can be used to pay down the deficit and provide real drug offenders with rehabilitation services. If marijuana was the casual, legal drug of choice over a century ago, alcohol may be the present day, hotly debated illegal substance; although, if the tables were in fact turned, I think the case to be made for alcohol would be a harder sell since it would be more difficult to justify the auto accidents and the alcohol poisonings that are undoubtedly overshadowing attributes. Marijuana is a safe and natural substance that is illegal only because it has always been that way.

2. Subsidize the cost of fruits and vegetables. There should be no way that Oreos and cupcakes can be purchased for a cheaper price than a bag of oranges or a bundle of asparagus. In order for health and wellness to improve in this country, the food industry must receive a full overhaul. Anyone living under the poverty line should be able to stock up on fruits and vegetables for a reasonable amount of money.

1. Full universal healthcare for all citizens. Economic income should not dictate medical care. Healthcare is an inalienable right that all should have access to. The commercialization of healthcare is a deplorable concept that should be morally reexamined by everyone. When healthcare is about profit, it's no longer actually about healthcare, is it?

September 17, 2009

Healthcare is Failing

Upon Senator Max Baucus unveiling his healthcare plan to America, it appears that the Democratic party has been neutered. With full control of the House, Senate and White House it would seem that the Democrats would have found the opportune time to get the one measure pushed through that has been a central issue of the party's platform for decades. The American people spoke in the Congressional and Presidential elections, but those put in a position to react have declined to listen.

The Democrats have buckled under the pressure from a small group of Conservative protesters, gassed up by Beck and Hannity, whom are feeling vulnerable because of the complexion of the President's skin. They have ultimately caved because an isolated minority of the population not qualfied to manage a Taco Bell told them to. While the politicians with backbone should have stood up and said that the ignorant people holding up signs with swastikas and Obama pictured as a witchdoctor don't represent the views of America, and they aren't going to get their way by perpetrating hate speech, they instead cowardly backed down. What an embarrassing message to the country.

It was just last week when Barack Obama eloquently and articulately stated what he wanted in the bill-- protection for consumers from insurance companies, lower costs and competition-- but instead, Mr. Baucus puts together a bill that cradles the insurance companies and throws the public option out the window. It's amazing that as inadequate as George W. Bush was, he could still get what he wanted when he wanted it. He was bright enough to realize that he didn't have to cater to the Democrats because he had the majorities in the House. After eight years of conservative rule, it's time for liberals to get a little love. Obama needs to get a little "W" in him and come down on his party and declare that he's not signing a bill until they give him what he wants. That being the healthcare plan that Obama touted when he was running for president, and won. Give the American people what they voted for.

September 15, 2009

Racism Perspires out of Every Orphace of the Conservative Party

I'm starting to wonder what would happen if President Obama adhered to all conservative ideals and tore down all government regulation and oversight, disposed of all gun laws, dumped more money into the military and the "war on terror", scrapped all social programs, allowed Christian prayer in schools, and made sure gays were kept under wraps? Would the Republicans and all the townhall meeting clans persist in calling him a socialist? Something tells me that many would, because it has become more and more apparent that the name calling has less to do with policy and much more to do with race. You see, the militants that everyone saw parading on TV at the 9/12 protest against healthcare, with their hate mongering and crude signs were indeed a transparent group of people. Some of those marching in the streets were actually without healthcare. Many of them were happily on the socialized medicine plan we call Medicare. Some, deep down, really hoped for healthcare reformation, and would be on the other side of the fence had a white man proposed the idea. But that afternoon they decided to walk the streets in an organized herd, chanting tribal slogans, and scream that Barack Obama is a "Socialist" because it would be unacceptable to actually call him what they wanted-- the "N" word. And while Glenn Beck swallows the urge on a daily basis to use that word over the airwaves he is not allowed, so he has to energize and mobilize his cult following with buzz words like Communist, Fascist, and Socialist, while also transforming the word Liberal into a dirty smear word. So, in fact, they have swapped out the racial slur with the next most vile thing that they could think of-- someone who adheres to that unpalatable doctrine that endorses passionate, moral, progressive, liberal ideas.

It is hard to believe that the Joe Wilson outburst, the birther movement, the witch hunt for dirt on any mid-level Obama official, and the staunch opposition to any move (no matter how small) that Obama makes, would in fact be taking place if he was white and certainly not if he was a Republican. The level of outrage over the first 200 days of this administration is more extreme than the 8 years of lies, torture, incompetence, corruption, unprovoked military invasions, and out of control spending exercised by the previous administration.

When Glenn Beck, the self proclaimed voice of the anti-Obama movement, says it is his mission to make sure Barack Obama accomplishes nothing while president, this should alarm the nation. People should be ready to move, to counter-revolt, just as easy as it is for Beck to rally people around a cause that is perpetuated by hate and economic inequality. The party that called anyone who dared to speak unfavorably about George W. Bush unpatriotic now suddenly believes that their ideals should come at the expense of the welfare and success of the country. These people are open about their desire to see the country fail. This takes a special kind of person. Someone with deep-seeded, vile, pent up racism and hatred for others. It is my belief that at some point Fox News will cease to exist when the masses finally recognize them for what they are-- the Ku Klux Klan. In the mean time, I hope the 46 million uninsured Americans keep hanging on, while the Teabaggers and their puppeteers keep trying to impede their right to life.